I dropped out of college 3 years ago and have been doing archeology since. Now I'm bored with it. What to do?
2006-04-18 15:02:00 UTC
I can't decide if I should re-enter school, travel alot, or doing some crazy and move somewhere nice. Anyone got any suggestions?
Three answers:
2006-04-19 07:35:35 UTC
I have two suggestions:

1. It seems that you enjoy history, discovering things and travel. Archeology also appears to me to be something very active and engaging. Why not be an 'adventure tour guide'.

Many people are taking 'active' vacations--like week long white water rafting/camping trips or bicycle tours. Many college campuses have outdoor reacreation programs. This type of job may give you a chance to go back to school and possibly develop a new career if you like this sort of thing.

2. I suggest making a list of 5 things that are really interesting to you--what can you do for hours at a time and thorougly enjoy what you are doing so much so that you miss it when you are not doing it. You have to search your heart and not put things on this list that would seem like fun because it is the cool 'in' thing to do or because others are doing it. Then search MSN money or some other finance web site for the top paying careers with many prospects and try to match your talents with your skills and interest to a well paying job.

You can do some research on the education requirements and volunteer work in those areas first to see if it is something you'd like to do. Take your time and discover this--and use this time to make a good decision.

About the money comment--You may not have to live on much money--but in the real world--but struggling and being unemployed or underemployed is no fun. Even if you do something you are just good at that pays well--you will potentially have the freedom to do what you really like.

I hope this helps.
2006-04-18 22:10:08 UTC
I would go back because college has a lot of different ways to explore what you want to do. It is also a good investment. Many of your credits will probably transfer now but they might not if you wait 5 more years.
2006-04-20 01:33:13 UTC
Join the Army, if you can qualify....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.