2018-10-03 06:46:47 UTC
A few months ago, my car check engine light came on, followed by mysterious car trouble. I went to several mechanics in Atlanta and kept getting the runaround. I then went to the dealership and they said they would need to take my engine apart to diagnose the actual problem. Eventually I would be out of hundreds of dollars. I decided I needed another opinion before shelling out that kind of money. I decided to have my car shipped back to Chicago where I had mechanics I could trust.
Upon arriving back to Chicago a few days ago, my car has been in tip top shape. My engine light hasn't come back on in almost one month. It's very mysterious that moving back to Chicago would prompt my car to suddenly act just fine. However, I am unhappy in Chicago. I want to be in Atlanta. And I can't get my car issue diagnosed unless the check engine light comes back on so now it's just a waiting game.
I need an unbiased opinion on what I should do. I came back here against my will and now I regret even having left, as I know finding employment in Atlanta again could be a struggle. Should I make the best out of living in Chicago or find a way to get back out to Atlanta?